
Mékong Santé congress

January 28, 2010

From January 25-28, 2010 under the high patronage of the Lao Ministry of Health, the University of Health Sciences of Laos and the French Embassy in Laos, took place the first edition of the ’Mékong Santé’ Congress in Vientiane in Laos. Originally organized in Cambodia under the name ’Cambodge Santé’ Congress thanks to a partnership between France and Cambodia, the themes are now extended to all countries of Southeast Asia. At the same time the 8th International Congress of the “Société de Pathologie Exotique” was held.

The Mékong Santé congress was, throughout these 4 days, a forum allowing a continuous medical education for practitioners, teachers and students. Its objective was not only the update of knowledge and practices regarding local current health issues in the area but also the share of experience. The goal of these meetings was to handle the medical challenges of the Southeast Asia thanks to the exchanges and the interactions between research-medicine-sciences.

The ’Mékong Santé’ Congress has gathered many partners, involved throughout the different sessions: for example organizations such as the MORU (Mahidol Oxford Research Unit) funded by Wellcome trust, Fondation Pierre Fabre or Fondation Mérieux. Many experts coming from institutions such as WHO, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the French Cooperation, IRD, ESTHER were also present. Pr Patrice Debré, key opinion leader of the fight against HIV and transmitted diseases was among the personalities counted on the Congress.

Several projects from the Centre Christophe Mérieux was presented:

  • Set up of the plasmatic viral load of the HIV-1 in the Centre Christophe Mérieux’ by Doctor Phimpha PABORIBOUNE, director of the laboratory Rodolphe Mérieux of Laos.
  • New diagnostic tools for detection of resistances to the drugs among patients co-infected by HIV and tuberculosis’ by Doctor Chaysavanh THAMNAVONG, an IFMT student who was working in the Centre Christophe Mérieux.