
Early diagnosis of HIV-1 in new born babies in Laos results

May 26, 2018

In partnership with the Mérieux Foundation, Global Fund, CHAS, Institut Pasteur, and the ART sites, CILM has published one poster on subject ’’Early diagnosis of HIV-1 in new born babies in Laos’’.

One article was published and Dr Phimpha Paboriboune presented this great work during the 7th AFRAVIH 2014 international francophone conference in Montpellier (France).

The objective of the study was to assess the situation of the children that have benefited an early virological diagnosis for HIV-1 two and a half years after the set up of this test in the seven ARV treatment centers in the country.

The results show that in Lao PDR the number of HIV-1 exposed infant benefiting early diagnosis is still insufficient (162/1350 expected for 2.5 years) and HIV-1 exposed new-born are diagnosed too late .

Those too elements together are responsible for a high mortality rate among exposed infants and should be fought reinforcing PMTCT programs and ARV treatments as soon as possible for all the children diagnosed with an HIV-1 infection.